

词汇 *weak
释义 *weak /wik; wiːk/
1 not having much strength or energy 弱的,虚弱的:
Jerry's still weak after his operation. 杰里手术后仍很虚弱。
Her knees felt weak. 她双膝感觉发软。
2 not powerful 无权的,软弱的:
a weak government 软弱无能的政府
3 not having a strong character and easily persuaded to do things by other people 懦弱的,优柔寡断的:
a weak and indecisive man 一个懦弱而犹豫不决的男人
4 not having much ability or skill at doing something 能力不足的; 缺乏技巧的:
His spelling was weak. 他拼写很差。
one of the weaker students in the class 班里成绩较差的学生之一
5 a weak argument or excuse is not good enough or believable enough to persuade people 〔理由、借口等〕不可信的,站不住脚的:
a weak excuse 无说服力的借口
6 having very little taste or containing too much water 淡的,稀薄的:
weak tea 淡茶
7 difficult to see or hear 〔声音、光线等〕弱的,暗的:
a weak light 微弱的光线
8 unable to support a lot of weight and likely to break 不坚固的,易毁坏的:
a weak bridge 不牢固的桥




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