

词汇 *allow
释义 *al·low /ə`la; əˈlaʊ/
v [T]
1 to give someone permission to do something or have something 允许,准许〔某人做某事〕:
be allowed Smoking is not allowed in the library. 图书馆里不许吸烟。
allow sb sth We're allowed four weeks holiday a year. 我们一年获准放假四周。
allow sb to do sth My parents would never allow me to stay out late. 父母决不允许我在外面待得太晚。
allow sb in/out/up etc You're not allowed in here. 你不准进来这里。
2 to make it possible for something to happen or for someone to do something, especially by not trying to stop it 容许〔某事发生或某人做某事〕:
allow sb/sth to do sth We mustn't allow the situation to get any worse. 我们决不容许情况进一步恶化。
3 to plan that a particular amount of time, money etc will be needed for a particular purpose 〔为某种目的〕计划给予〔时间或钱〕:
Allow 14 days for delivery. 给 14 天时间交货。
allow yourself sth Allow yourself two hours to get to the airport. 给你自己两小时时间去机场。




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