

词汇 *little¹
释义 *lit·tle¹ /`lɪtḷ; ˈlɪtl/
1 small in size 小的:
a little house 小房子
2 a little bit (of sth) a small amount of something 少量的(某物):
"Do you want some more wine?" "Just a little bit." “你还要酒吗?”“只要一点点。”
Add a little bit of milk to the sauce. 在调味汁里加少量牛奶。
3 short in time or distance 〔时间或距离〕短的:
I'll wait a little while and then call again. 我等一会儿再打电话。
Anna walked a little way down the road with him. 安娜和他沿着马路稍微走了一程。
4 young and small 年轻的,幼小的:
a little boy 小男孩
little brother/sister (=a younger brother or sister, who is still a child) 小弟弟/小妹妹
5 especially spoken used after another adjective to emphasize your feelings about someone or something that is small 【尤口】小的〔用于形容词之后,强调对小的人或物的感受〕:
It's a nice little restaurant. 这是家漂亮的小餐馆。
What a horrible little man! 多么讨厌的小个子男人!
6 [only before noun 仅用于名词前] not important 不重要的:
You worry too much about little things. 你对琐事太过担心了。




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