

词汇 *next¹
释义 *next¹ /nɛkst; nekst/
1 the next day, time, event etc is the one that happens after the present one 紧接着的,下一个的:
The next flight leaves in 45 minutes. 下班飞机将于 45 分钟后起飞。
They returned to New York the next day. 翌日他们回纽约去了。
next time (=when this happens again) 下一次: Next time, be more careful! 下一次当心一点!
next Monday/May/year etc See you next week. 下周见。
2 the next place is the one closest to where you are now 贴近的,紧邻的:
Turn left at the next corner. 在下一个街角向左转。
the people at the next table 邻桌的人
3 the next person or thing in a list, line etc is the one after the present one 紧接在后的:
Who will be the next President? 谁会当下一任总统?
Read the next chapter by Friday. 在星期五前阅读下一章。
4 the next best thing the thing or situation that is almost as good as the one you really want 仅次于最好的,居第二位的:
Talking on the phone is the next best thing to being together. 聚不了的话电话里聊聊也不错。




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