

词汇 *replace
释义 *re·place /rɪ`ples; rɪˈpleɪs/
v [T]
1 a) to start using a different person or thing instead of the one you use now 接替〔某人、某物〕:
replace sb/sth with They later replaced the coach with a younger man. 他们后来用了一个较年轻的人接替这个教练。
b) to start being used instead of someone or something else 取代〔某人、某事物〕:
The new software package replaces the old one. 新软件组合取代了旧软件组合。
2 to put something back in its correct place 把〔某物〕放回原处:
Please replace the books when you are finished. 看完后请把书放回原处。
3 to get something new because the old one has been lost, stolen, damaged etc 更换,替换〔某物〕




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