

词汇 newness
释义 newness
n [U]
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: new, recent, modern, up-to-date, and 和 latest
Use new to talk about something that has existed for only a short time. new 用于表述某物只存在很短一段时间:
Have you read Alice Walker's new book? 你有没有读过爱丽斯·沃克的新书?
Use recent to talk about something, especially an event, that happened a short time ago. recent 用于表述某事,尤指事件,刚发生不久:
He won a medal in the recent Olympics. 他在最近一次奥运会上得了一面奖牌。
Use modern to describe things that exist now, especially to emphasize that they are different from earlier things of the same kind. modern 用于描述现存的事物,尤指不同于先前的同类事物:
modern machinery 新型机器
modern teaching methods 新型教学方法
Use up-to-date to describe the newest knowledge, information, way of doings things etc. up-to-date 用于描述最新的知识、资料、做事方法等:
an up-to-date computer system 先进的电脑系统
Use latest to talk about the newest thing in a series of similar things. latest 用于表述在一系列同类事物中是最新的:
the latest issue of Time magazine 最新一期的《时代》杂志




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