

词汇 *aim¹
释义 *aim¹ /em; eɪm/
1 [I] to plan or intend to achieve something 致力于,打算〔取得某事物〕:
+ for/at We're aiming for a gold medal in the Olympics. 我们的目标是在奥林匹克运动会上取得一枚金牌。
aim to do sth If you're aiming to become a doctor, you'll have to study hard. 如果你立志成为一名医生,就得刻苦学习。
2 be aimed at sb if something is aimed at someone, it is made or done so that certain people will like it or be influenced by it 针对某人:
a TV commercial aimed at teenagers 以青少年为对象的电视商业广告
Was that criticism aimed at me? 那些批评是针对我的吗?
3 [I,T] to point a weapon at someone or something that you want to hit 瞄准:
+ at The gun was aimed at his head. 枪瞄准了他的头。
4 be aimed at doing sth to be intended to achieve something 旨在做某事:
a program aimed at creating more jobs 一项旨在提供更多工作(机会)的计划




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