

词汇 expose
释义 ex·pose /ɪk`spoz; ɪkˈspəʊz/
v [T]
1 to remove the cover from something that is usually covered 暴露,显露:
expose sth to sth When a wound is exposed to the air, it heals more quickly. 伤口暴露在空气里,愈合起来就更快。
2 to put someone in a situation, place etc that may be harmful or dangerous 使暴露于〔有害或危险的境地〕:
be exposed to Workers in the nuclear industry were exposed to high levels of radiation. 核工业的工人置身于高强度的辐射下。
3 to tell people the truth about something bad or dishonest 揭露,揭发〔坏事〕:
His criminal activities were finally exposed in 'The Daily Mirror'. 他的犯罪活动终于在《每日镜报》上被揭发出来。
4 to give someone experience of different ideas, TRADITIONS etc 使接触到〔各种观念、传统等〕:
be exposed to Children who have been exposed to different cultures are less likely to be prejudiced. 接触过不同文化的儿童就不大容易产生偏见。
5 to allow light onto a piece of film in a camera in order to produce a photograph 使〔胶片〕曝光




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