

词汇 *affect
释义 *af·fect /ə`fɛkt; əˈfekt/
v [T]
1 to cause a change in someone or something, or to change the situation they are in 影响:
a disease that affects the heart and lungs 影响心脏及肺的疾病
Help is being sent to areas affected by the floods. 救援(物资)正送往受洪水影响的地区。
2 to make someone feel strong emotions 使〔某人〕产生强烈的感情:
She was deeply affected by the news of Paul's death. 保罗去世的消息使她深感悲痛。
→ compare 比较 EFFECT²
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: affect and 和 effect
Affect is always a verb, used to talk about the way one thing changes or influences another. affect 总作动词,用于谈及某事物改变或影响另一事物的方式:
How will the new law affect young people? 新法案会如何影响年轻人呢?
Effect is a noun, meaning what happens as the result of a change or influence. effect 作名词,意指“改变或影响带来的结果”:
What effect will the new law have? 新法案会带来什么影响呢?
Effect, however, is sometimes used as a verb in formal English, meaning to make something happen. 但是,在正式英语中,effect 有时用作动词,意指“使某事发生”:
efforts to effect a peaceful solution to the conflict 为使冲突和平解决而作出的努力




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