

词汇 *back²
释义 *back²
1 where someone or something was before 回原处:
Put the milk back in the refrigerator. 把牛奶放回冰箱里。
Roger said he'd be back in an hour. 罗杰说他会在一小时后回来。
2 in or into the condition that someone or something was in before 恢复原状:
I woke up at 5 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. 我清晨 5 点钟醒来,就再也睡不着了。
3 in the direction that is behind you 朝后面:
Harry looked back to see if he was still being followed. 哈里回头看看自己是否仍被跟踪。
4 as a reply or reaction to what someone has done 作为回答; 作为回覆:
Can you call me back later? 待会儿你能给我回个电话吗?
Gina smiled, and the boy smiled back. 吉娜微笑了,那个男孩也回以微笑。
5 away from the front of something or away from a person or thing 不在前面; 离开〔某人或某物〕:
Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. 她的头发在脑后扎成一条马尾辫。
6 in or towards an earlier time 〔追溯至以前〕早在…:
This all happened about three years back. 这一切早在约三年前就发生了。
7 back and forth in one direction and then in the opposite direction 来回地; 反复地:
He walked back and forth across the floor. 他在地板上来回踱步。




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