

词汇 suppress
释义 sup·press /sə`prɛs; səˈpres/
v [T]
1 to stop people from opposing the government, especially by using force 〔尤指用武力〕压制,镇压,制止:
The army was called in to suppress the revolt. 军队被召来平定叛乱。
2 to control a feeling, so that you do not show it or it does not affect you 抑制,克制〔情感〕:
Andy could barely suppress his anger. 安迪几乎按捺不住他的怒火。
3 to prevent important information or opinions from becoming known 封锁〔重要消息或意见〕,禁止披露,隐瞒:
His lawyer illegally suppressed evidence. 他的律师非法隐瞒证据。




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