

词汇 *put
释义 *put /pt; pʊt/
v put, put, putting [T]
1 to move something to or into a place or position 放; 放置:
put sth in/on/there etc Just put the bags on the table. 袋子就放在桌上好了。
Where did you put the newspaper? 你把报纸放哪儿了?
I put the letter back in the envelope. 我把信放回信封。
2 to make arrangements for someone to go to a place and stay there 把〔某人〕安置在某处:
I don't want to put my dad into a hospital. 我不想让爸爸住进医院里。
You put the kids to bed and I'll make dinner. 你把孩子弄上床,我来做饭。
3 to change someone's situation or the way they feel 使〔某人〕处于某种状态[心境]:
The long delay had put us all in a bad mood. 长时间的延误使我们大家心情都不好。
4 to write or print something 写下; 记下:
Put your name at the top of each answer sheet. 把你的名字写在每张答题纸的上端。
5 to say something in a particular way 说,表达,表述:
Derek's — how shall I put it — not very attractive. 德里克这个人 — 我该怎么说呢 — 不怎么有吸引力。
I thought she put her argument over well. 我觉得她把论点表达得非常好。
6 put an end to sth/put a stop to sth to stop an activity 结束[终止]某事:
a law designed to put an end to discrimination against women 为制止歧视妇女而制定的一项法律
7 put (your) faith/trust etc in to trust someone or something 信任[信奉]〔某人或某事〕:
people who put their trust in God 信奉上帝的人
8 put sth behind you to stop thinking about a bad experience or a mistake so that it no longer affects you 忘掉,拋开〔不愉快的经历或错误〕
9 not put it past sb to do sth used to say that you think someone might do something unpleasant or dishonest 某人也未必没有可能做某〔令人难受或奸诈的〕事:
I wouldn't put it past him to blackmail them. 我不怀疑他有敲诈他们的可能。
→ see also 另见 put your mind to sth (MIND¹)
put sth ↔ across
to explain something so that other people can understand it 解释清楚〔某事〕:
She's good at putting her ideas across. 她很善于把自己的想法表达清楚。
put sth ↔ aside
1 to save money regularly in order to use it later 储存〔金钱〕备用:
We're trying to put some money aside for a new car. 我们在设法存些钱买辆新车。
2 to stop doing an activity, for example reading or working, so that you can do something else 停下,放下〔正在做的事以便能做另一件事〕:
Charles put his newspaper aside and got up to answer the door. 查尔斯放下报纸起身去开门。
put sth ↔ away
to put something in the place where it is usually kept 把…收拾起来,把…放回原处:
Those kids never put anything away! 那些小孩从来都不把东西放回原处!
put sth ↔ back
1 to delay something 使〔某事〕延期,推迟:
The publication date has been put back by three months. 出版日期推迟了三个月。
2 put a clock/a watch back to make a clock or watch show an earlier time 把钟/表拨慢
put sb/sth ↔ down
1 [put sth ↔ down] to put something onto a surface such as a table or the floor 放下:
She put down her knitting. 她放下手中的编织物。
2 [put sb ↔ down] to criticize someone and make them feel silly or stupid 批评; 贬低; 奚落:
I don't like the way she's always putting him down. 我不喜欢她老是批评他。
3 [put sth ↔ down] BrE to write something on a piece of paper 【英】 写下,记下:
Don't forget to put your name down on the list. 别忘了把你的名字写在名单上。
4 [put sth ↔ down] to kill an animal because it is old or ill 杀死〔老弱生病的动物〕
5 put down a revolution/revolt/rebellion etc to stop a REVOLUTION by using force 镇压革命/造反/叛乱等
put sth down to sth
to think that something is caused by something else 把〔某事〕归咎于…:
She put her illness down to stress. 她把病因归咎于压力太大。
put sb/sth ↔ forward
1 to suggest that someone considers employing a particular person or using a particular plan, idea etc 提议,提出:
Milne has put his name forward as a candidate at the next election. 米尔恩宣布参加下届选举。
2 put a clock/a watch forward to make a clock or watch show a later time 把钟/表拨快
put sth ↔ in
1 put in a claim/request to officially ask for something 提出要求/请求
2 to spend time or effort doing something 花费〔时间或精力〕:
Doug's been putting in a lot of hours at work recently. 近来道格在工作上投入了许多时间。
3 to add or replace equipment in your home 〔家中〕添置,更换,安装〔设备〕:
They're having a new bathroom put in. 他们在安装一套新的浴室设备。
put into
put sth into practice/action/effect to start using something such as an idea or plan 将某物付诸实施/行动/应用:
The college hopes to put the changes into effect by September 1. 该学院希望于 9 月 1 日前把改革付诸实施。
put sb/sth off
1 to make someone dislike someone or something, or to make them not want to do something 使不喜欢:
Don't be put off by the title — it's a really good book. 别只看书名就不喜欢 — 这本书非常棒。
2 to delay doing something 推迟,使〔某事〕延期:
You can't keep putting the decision off. 你不可以一再推迟作决定。
3 to tell someone that you cannot do something that you had agreed to do 搪塞,敷衍〔告诉某人不能践诺、赴约等〕:
I managed to put him off by promising to pay next week. 我答应说下星期付钱给他,把他应付过去了。
4 BrE to make it difficult for someone to do something by preventing them from thinking clearly about what they are doing 【英】 把〔某人〕弄得心烦意乱; 使分心:
Stop laughing — you're putting me off! 别笑了! 你让我分心了。
put sth ↔ on
1 to put clothes on your body 穿上:
Put your coat on — it's cold. 把外套穿上 — 外面冷。
2 to put MAKE-UP or cream on your skin 搽,抹,涂〔化妆品或乳霜〕:
I need to put on some more lipstick. 我需要再涂些口红。
3 to make a machine or a piece of equipment start working 开动〔机器、设备〕; 点〔火〕:
Is it all right if I put the fire on? 我把火点起来行不行?
4 to put a record, VIDEO etc into a machine and start playing it 播放〔唱片、录像带等〕:
Let's put some music on. 我们播放点音乐吧。
5 put on weight/5 pounds/2 kg etc to become fatter 体重增加/胖了五磅/胖了两公斤等
6 to arrange or perform a concert, play etc 举行; 上演〔音乐会、戏剧等〕:
They're putting on a concert to raise money for landmine victims. 他们将举行一场音乐会为地雷的受害者筹款。
7 put it on to pretend to feel or believe something that you do not really feel or believe 假装,装腔:
Don't take any notice of her — she's just putting it on. 别理会她 — 她只不过是在装腔。
put sb/sth ↔ out
1 to stop a fire or cigarette from burning 扑灭〔火〕; 熄灭〔香烟〕
2 to make an electric light stop working by pressing a button 关〔灯〕:
Don't forget to put out the lights when you leave. 离开前别忘了关灯。
3 AmE to produce something such as a book, record, film etc 【美】 出版; 播出; 上映:
They're putting out a new album in the fall. 他们将于秋季推出一张新专辑。
4 put out your hand/foot/arm to move your hand, foot, or arm away from your body 伸出手/脚/手臂:
Jack put out his foot and tripped her. 杰克伸出脚绊倒了她。
5 to make extra work or problems for someone 使感到不便,给…添麻烦:
Will it put you out if I bring an extra guest? 我多带位客人来会给你添麻烦吗?
6 put out information/a warning/statistics etc to produce information for people to read or listen to 发布消息/发出警告/公布统计数字等:
The police put out a warning about car thieves in the area. 警方发出了警告,提醒人们注意当地的偷车贼。
put through
1 [put sb through sth] to make someone experience something unpleasant 使〔某人〕经历不愉快的事:
She was put through a lot during her first marriage, so I'm glad she's happy now. 她第一次婚姻经历了许多不愉快的事,因此我很高兴看到她现在生活美满。
2 [put sb through] to connect someone to someone else on the telephone 给〔某人〕接通电话
put sth to sb
1 explain something such as an idea or an opinion to other people, so that they will consider it 向〔某人〕提出〔建议〕:
The proposal will be put to the committee next month. 这个计划将于下个月提交委员会考虑。
2 to ask someone a question 向〔某人〕提〔问题〕
put sth ↔ together
1 to make a machine or model by joining the different parts 组装,装配〔机器或模型〕:
It took us all day to put the table together. 我们花了一整天才把这张桌子装起来。
2 to prepare or produce something by collecting information, ideas etc 〔通过收集资料、想法等〕做成,完成:
The band are currently putting a new album together. 该乐队目前正在灌录一张新专辑。
3 put together used to talk about the combined total of something 加在一起,合在一起:
Italy scored more points than the rest of the group put together. 意大利队的得分比同组其他队的得分加起来还多。
put up
1 [put sth ↔ up] to build something such as a wall, or to raise something so that it is upright 建造; 搭起,竖起:
The kids were putting a tent up in the garden. 小孩子在花园里搭起了帐篷。
2 [put sth ↔ up] to put a picture, sign etc on a wall so that people can see it 张贴,贴出:
Posters advertising the concert were put up on all the notice boards. 所有的布告牌上都张贴了这场音乐会的宣传海报。
3 [put sth ↔ up] to increase the cost of something 提高〔价格〕:
Our landlord keeps putting the rent up. 我们的房东一直在抬高租金。
4 put up money/£500/$3 million etc to provide the money that is needed to do something 提供资金/500 英镑/三百万美金等:
Firth put up $42,000 in prize money for the contest. 弗思为这项比赛提供了 42,000 美元的奖金。
5 [put sb ↔ up] to let someone stay in your house for a short time 让〔某人〕短期住宿:
Yeah, we can put you up for the night. 行,我们能让你借宿一宵。
6 put up resistance/a fight/a struggle to argue against something or fight against someone in a determined way 奋勇抵抗/战斗/斗争
put sb up to sth
to encourage someone to do something that is wrong or dangerous 唆使〔某人〕做〔坏事或危险的事〕:
It's not like Martha to steal — someone must have put her up to it. 偷东西不像玛莎的一贯作风 — 肯定是有人教唆她这么做的。
put up with sth
to accept a bad situation without complaining 忍受,忍耐:
I don't know how you put up with all this noise. 我不知道你怎么能忍受这样的噪音。




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