

词汇 *go¹
释义 *go¹ /go; ɡəʊ/
v went /wɛnt; went/, gone /gɔn; ɡɒn/, going
1 [I] to leave a place in order to go somewhere else 走,去,离去:
I wanted to go, but Craig insisted we stay. 我想走,但克雷格一定要我们留下来。
be/get going (=leave) 离开: It's late — I must be going. 太晚了,我得走了。
2 [I] to move towards a place 朝…走去:
Mom went into the kitchen. 妈妈走进厨房。
Let's go home. 我们回家吧。
3 [I] to visit a place 去〔某个地方〕:
Nancy has gone to Paris. (=she is in Paris now) 南希去了巴黎。
Nancy has been to Paris. (=she has visited Paris in the past) 南希去过巴黎。
4 [I] to travel on a bus, plane etc 〔以某种方式〕行走; 旅行:
go by bus/plane etc You take the train and we will go by car. 你乘火车,我们开车去。
5 [I] to travel somewhere in order to do something 去进行〔某种活动〕:
They've gone shopping. 他们去购物了。
Mick's gone to buy a paper. 米克去了买报纸。
Let's go for a walk. 我们去散步吧。
6 be going to do sth used to say that something will happen or is supposed to happen 将要做某事; 将要发生某事:
It looks like it's going to rain. 好像要下雨了。
He's going to marry Ann. 他要和安结婚了。
→ compare 比较 GONNA
7 [I] to reach as far as a particular place, or lead to a particular place 到达; 通往; 伸展到:
The roots of the tree go very deep. 这棵树的根扎得很深。
8 [I] to belong or fit in a particular place or position 放,摆:
"Where do the plates go?" "On the shelf." “这些盘子放在哪儿?”“架子上。”
9 [linking verb 连系动词] to become 变得:
I think this milk's gone sour. 我觉得这牛奶已经变酸了。
My hair's going grey. 我的头发变灰白了。
10 [linking verb 连系动词] to be or remain in a particular state 处于〔某种状态〕:
All her complaints went unheard. (=no one listened to them) 她的一切抱怨都没有人听。
go hungry (=not have anything to eat) 挨饿
11 go to church/school etc to regularly attend a church, school etc 上教堂做礼拜/上学等:
Is Brett going to college next year? 明年布雷特要上大学吗?
12 [linking verb 连系动词] to happen or develop in a particular way 〔以某种方式〕发生,进行:
How did your interview go? 你的面试怎么样?
go well/fine/wrong etc Everything started to go wrong all of a sudden. 顿时,一切都不对头了。
13 [I] informal if a machine goes, it works 【非正式】 〔机器〕运转,运行:
My car wouldn't go this morning. 今天早上我的汽车发动不起来了。
14 [I] to disappear 消失:
Has your headache gone yet? 你头痛好了吗?
15 [I] if money goes, it is spent 〔钱〕被花掉,用掉
16 [I] if time goes, it passes 〔时间〕过去,消逝:
I just don't know where the time goes. 我都不知道时间是怎么过掉的。
The hours go so slowly at work. 上班的时间过得很慢。
17 [I] to get worse or not work correctly 变弱,变差:
Dad's hearing is starting to go. 爸爸的听力开始衰退了。
18 [I] to have particular words or music or a particular sound 说法是; 唱法是; 曲调是; 有某种声音:
How does the song go? 这首歌怎样唱?
19 [I] to look or taste good together 适合,相配:
+ together Those colours don't go together very well. 那几种颜色不是很相配。
go with sth Does red wine go with chicken? 吃鸡的时候,喝红葡萄酒是否合适?
20 to go
a) still remaining before something happens 还有,还剩:
Only two weeks to go before we leave for South America! 离我们去南美只剩两个星期了!
b) AmE food that is bought from a restaurant and taken away to be eaten 【美】 〔食品〕带到餐馆外吃的,外卖:
I'll have a large order of fries to go, please. 我要一客外卖的大份薯条。
21 How's it going?/How are things going?/How goes it? spoken used to ask someone how they are 【口】 过得怎么样?:
"Hey Jimmy, how's it going?""All right, I guess." “嗨,吉米,你好吗?”“还不错吧。”
go about sth
to do something or begin doing something 做,着手干:
Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. 也许这事我做得不对。
go after sb/sth
to try to get something or catch someone 追求,追赶:
Karr hesitated a moment, then went after her. 卡尔犹豫了一会儿,然后又上去追她。
go against sb/sth
1 [T go against sth] to do the opposite of what someone wants you to do 违背,违抗; 反对:
You've really angered him by going against his wishes. 你违抗他的意愿,把他惹得很生气。
2 [T go against sb] if a decision such as a vote goes against you, you do not get the decision or result that you wanted 〔选举结果等〕对…不利
go ahead
1 to begin or continue 开始; 继续:
The railway strike looks likely to go ahead tomorrow. 看来铁路罢工明天还会继续。
+ with They plan to go ahead with their wedding later this year. 他们打算今年稍后时候举行婚礼。
2 to take place 发生,进行:
The sale went ahead as planned. 大减价按计划举行。
go along
to continue doing a particular activity 继续进行〔某活动〕:
You'll learn how to do it as you go along. 你做下去就知道它怎么做了。
go along with sb/sth
to agree with or support someone or something 赞同; 支持:
They were happy to go along with our suggestions. 他们欣然赞同我们的建议。
go around
1 go around doing sth to do something, especially something that other people do not approve of 到处[经常]做某事〔尤指别人不赞同的事〕:
You can't go around saying things like that. 那种话你不能到处乱说。
She always goes around barefoot. 她总是光着脚到处跑。
2 if an illness or a piece of news is going around, it is being passed from one person to another 〔疾病〕传播; 〔消息〕散布,流传
3 to be enough for everyone 足够分配:
Are there enough glasses to go around? 杯子够用吗?
go at sb/sth
to start to do something, especially fighting or arguing, with a lot of energy 开始努力地干; 攻击:
The boys went at each other until the teacher pulled them apart. 那几个男孩厮打起来,直到老师把他们拉开才停止。
go away
1 to leave a place or a person 离开,走开:
Go away! Leave me alone! 走开! 别管我!
2 to spend some time away from home, especially on holiday 外出〔尤指为了度假〕:
We're going away for the weekend. 我们要出去度周末。
3 to disappear or not happen anymore 消失; 停止:
My headache still hasn't gone away. 我的头痛还没有好。
go back
to return to a place 回去,返回:
+ to I'll never go back to my old school. 我再也不会回到我以前的学校去了。
go back on sth
if you go back on a promise or agreement, you do not do what you promised to do 违背〔诺言或协议〕
go back to sth
1 to start doing an activity again after you have stopped doing it 重新开始做〔某事〕,恢复:
I can't study any more — I'll go back to it later. 我再也学不进去了 — 我过一会儿再学吧。
2 to have its origin in a particular time in the past 追溯到:
The company's history goes back to 1925. 这家公司的历史可追溯到 1925 年。
go by
1 [I] if time goes by, it passes 〔时间〕逝去,过去:
Two months went by before Tony called. 两个月以后东尼来电话了。
2 [T go by sth] to use information, rules etc to help you decide what to do 凭借; 依照,遵循:
Don't go by that map. It's really old. 不要参考那张地图,它已经很旧了。
We'll have to go by the referee's decision. 我们不得不遵从裁判的判决。
go down
1 to become less in level, amount, size, quality etc 下降,降低; 减少:
The temperature went down to freezing last night. 昨晚气温降到了冰点。
The swelling in her knee didn't go down for days. 她膝盖上的肿块好几天都没有消退。
2 when the sun goes down, it goes below the HORIZON at the end of the day 〔太阳〕西沉,落山
3 if a ship goes down, it sinks 〔船只〕下沉,沉没
4 if a plane goes down, it crashes 〔飞机〕坠落
5 if a computer goes down, it stops working 〔电脑〕死机,出故障
6 go down well/badly etc used to say that something is accepted or not accepted by people 反应良好/不好等:
Robbie's jokes didn't go down very well with her parents. 罗比的父母对她的笑话不以为然。
go down with sth
informal to catch an illness 【非正式】 患上,因…而病倒:
Ron's gone down with flu. 罗恩得了流感。
go for sb/sth
1 to choose a particular thing 选择,选定
2 to like someone or something 喜欢:
Shane always goes for blondes. 沙恩总是喜欢金发女子。
3 [go for sb] to attack someone 袭击; 扑向:
She went for him with a knife. 她拿着一把刀扑向他。
4 to try to get or win something 力求,争取获得:
We're going for the gold medal. 我们打算力争金牌。
5 spoken to also be true about someone or something else 【口】 也适用于:
I told him to work harder, and that goes for you too. 我叫他努力些工作,那也是对你说的。
go in for sth
to like doing something 喜欢; 对…产生兴趣:
I've never gone in for modern art. 我对现代艺术从来不感兴趣。
go into sth
1 to start working in a particular profession 从事〔某职业〕,进入〔某行业〕:
Vivian wants to go into teaching. 维维安想去教书。
2 to describe or explain something thoroughly 详细描述[解释]:
I don't want to go into details right now, but it was horrible. 现在我不想细说,不过情况是很糟糕的。
go off
1 [I] to explode 爆炸:
The bomb went off without warning. 那枚炸弹在毫无征兆下突然爆炸了。
2 [I] to make a loud noise 发出响声:
My alarm clock didn't go off! 我的闹钟居然没响!
3 go off well/badly etc to happen in a particular way 进行得很好/不好等:
The ceremony went off perfectly. 那典礼举行得非常成功。
4 [I] BrE if food goes off, it goes bad 【英】 〔食物〕变质,变坏
5 [T] BrE informal to stop liking someone or something 【英,非正式】 不再喜欢:
I've gone off coffee. 我不再喜欢喝咖啡了。
go off with sth
to take away something that belongs to someone else 拿走〔别人的东西〕:
She's gone off with my pen. 她拿走了我的钢笔。
go on
1 to continue without stopping or changing 继续下去,进行下去:
We can't go on fighting like this! 我们不能这样吵下去!
The meeting went on longer than I expected. 会议进行的时间比我预期的要长。
2 to happen 发生:
What's going on down there? 那里发生什么事了?
3 to do something new when you have finished something else 接着干〔别的事情〕,接着进行:
Shall we go on to the next item on the agenda? 我们转到议程的下一项好吗?
4 to continue speaking, after you have stopped for a while 〔停过一会儿以后〕接着讲,继续说下去:
+ with After a short pause, Maria went on with her story. 玛丽亚稍停片刻之后继续讲她的故事。
5 if time goes on, it passes 〔时间〕过去:
As time went on, he became more friendly. 时间久了,他变得越来越友善。
6 spoken used to encourage someone to do something 【口】 来吧,继续吧〔用于鼓励某人做某事〕:
Go on, have some more cake. 来吧,再吃点蛋糕。
go out
1 to leave your house, especially in order to do something you enjoy 出去〔尤指娱乐〕:
Are you going out tonight? 你今晚要出去吗?
go out for dinner/lunch etc We went out for brunch on Sunday. 星期天我们出去吃了一顿早午餐。
2 to have a romantic relationship with someone 〔男女之间〕交往,谈恋爱:
How long have you two been going out? 你们已经交往多久了?
go out with sb Lisa used to go out with my brother. 莉莎和我弟弟谈过恋爱。
3 if a light or fire goes out, it stops shining or burning 〔灯光或火〕熄灭
4 if the tide goes out, it moves back from the land 退潮
5 to stop being fashionable or used 过时,不再流行:
I thought flared trousers went out years ago. 我以为喇叭裤早几年就过时了。
go over
1 [T] to look at or think about something carefully 仔细查看; 仔细考虑:
I've gone over the budget and I don't think we can afford a new computer. 我考虑了一下预算,觉得我们没有钱买新电脑。
2 [T] to repeat something in order to learn it or to understand it 再来一遍,复习,温习:
Once again I went over exactly what I needed to say. 我把需要说的话一字不差地再练习了一遍。
go round
BrE to go around 【英】 到处去做〔别人不赞同的事〕; 〔疾病〕传播; 〔消息〕散布; 足够分配
go through
1 [T go through sth] to have a very upsetting or difficult experience 经历〔不愉快或困难的事〕:
She's just been through a divorce. 她刚刚经历了离婚。
2 [I] if a deal, agreement or law goes through, it is officially accepted 〔协议或法律〕被接受,被通过,被批准:
My car loan application has finally gone through. 我的汽车贷款终于获批准了。
3 [T go through sth] to use all of something 用光; 吃完; 喝完:
Jeremy goes through at least a litre of milk every day! 杰里米每天至少喝掉一升牛奶!
4 [T go through sth] to look at, read, or explain something carefully 仔细检查[阅读; 解释]:
Have you been going through my handbag again? 你又在翻我的手提包了?
go through with sth
to do something you had planned or promised to do 完成,做完〔计划或答应要做的事〕:
I'm not sure if I can go through with the wedding. 我不知道还要不要举行这个婚礼。
go under
informal if a business goes under, it has serious problems and fails 【非正式】 〔企业〕失败,破产,倒闭
go up
1 to increase in number or amount 〔数量〕增加:
Our rent has gone up by almost 20%. 我们的房租涨了将近 20%。
2 to be built 兴建:
All of those houses have gone up in the past 6 months. 那些房子全都是过去六个月里兴建的。
3 to explode or be destroyed by fire 爆炸; 被烧毁:
The factory went up in flames before the firemen got there. 没等消防员赶到,工厂已经成了一片火海。
go with sb/sth
1 to be included as part of something 包括在…之内:
The car goes with the job. 这份工作还提供汽车。
the responsibilities that go with having a family 成家以后随之而来的责任
2 to accept someone's idea or plan 同意,接受〔某人的想法或计划〕:
Let's go with John's original idea. 我们还是采纳约翰原来的那个想法吧。
go without sth
to be able to manage without something 没有〔某事物〕而将就对付,没有…也得将就:
We're out of milk — I'm afraid you'll have to go without. 我们没有牛奶了 — 恐怕你得将就一下了。
She had gone without food to feed the children. 她已经没有东西可给孩子们吃了。
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: go, gone and 和 been
Gone is the usual past participle of go. gone 是 go 的常用过去分词:
George has gone to Denver. (=he is there now) 乔治去了丹佛。(=他现在在丹佛)
Use been as the past participle with the sense of go that means 'visit'. go 表示“访问”之意时过去分词用 been:
George has been to Denver. (=he has visited Denver in the past, but is not there now) 乔治去过丹佛。(=他以前到过丹佛,但现在不在丹佛)




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