lin·ger/`lɪŋgə; ˈlɪŋɡə/ v [I] 1 to stay somewhere or continue something for longer than usual 逗留; 磨蹭: She lingered for a moment in the doorway. 她在门口逗留了一会儿。 linger over sth (=take a lot of time doing it) 做某事行动迟缓: They lingered over their coffee. 他们慢吞吞地喝咖啡。 2 also 又作 linger on if a smell, memory etc lingers, it does not disappear for a long time 〔气味、记忆等〕迟迟未消失: The memory of that day lingered on in her mind. 那天发生的事一直萦绕在她的脑海里。