

词汇 *mother¹
释义 *moth·er¹ /`mʌðə; ˈmʌðə/
n [C]
1 a) your female parent 母亲,妈妈:
My mother said I have to be home by 9:00. 妈妈说我必须九点钟前到家。
Her mother once met President Kennedy. 她的母亲有一次见到了甘乃迪总统。
b) an animal's female parent 母兽,母畜
2 the mother of all informal an extremely bad or severe example of something 【非正式】 极糟糕[严重]的例子:
I woke up with the mother of all hangovers. 我醒来后因宿醉而十分难受。




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