

词汇 *get
释义 *get /gɛt; ɡet/
v got /gɑt; ɡɒt/, got or gotten /`gɑtṇ; ˈɡɒtn/ AmE 【美】, getting
1 [T] to buy or obtain something 买到; 弄到:
get sb sth I got him a watch for his birthday. 他生日时我买了一只手表给他。
get sth for sb Would you like me to get some bread for you while I'm out? 我出去时你要我给你买些面包吗?
get sth for £5/$9 etc My Aunt got these earrings for $3. 我姑姑花了三块钱买这副耳环。
2 [T] to receive or be given something 收到; 得到,获得:
I didn't get your letter. 我没有收到你的信。
Did you get the job? 你得到那份工作了吗?
get sth from/off sb How much money did you get from grandma? 你从奶奶那里拿到多少钱?
3 have got to have something 有,拥有:
I've got a lot of work to do. 我有很多工作要做。
I've got three sisters. 我有三个姐妹。
Clare's got blue eyes. 克莱尔有一双蓝眼睛。
4 get angry/worse/ill etc to become angry, worse, ill etc 生气/变糟/生病等:
Children get bored very easily. 小孩子很容易厌烦。
The weather had suddenly gotten cold. 天气突然变冷了。
5 [I] to move or arrive somewhere 移动; 到达:
How did he manage to get into their house? 他是怎么进入他们的房子的?
+ to When you get to the end of the road, turn left. 这条路你走到尽头就向左转。
6 [T] to move something somewhere 移动〔某物〕,搬动:
+ into/through/across etc I hurt my shoulder when I was getting my suitcase down from the rack. 我从架子上拿手提箱的时候弄伤了肩部。
7 [T] to bring someone or something to a place 召来; 带来:
get sb/sth Carrie, can you go and get the doctor? 嘉莉,你去叫医生来好吗?
8 get sb/sth to do sth to make someone or something do something, or persuade someone to do something 促使某人/某物做某事:
I tried to get Jill to come out tonight, but she was too tired. 我想叫吉尔今天晚上出来,可是她太累了。
9 get to do sth informal to have an opportunity to do something 【非正式】 有机会做某事,得以做某事:
Tom got to drive a Porsche today. 汤姆今天弄了一辆保时捷来开。
10 get sth fixed/done etc to fix, finish something etc or pay someone to do this 把某物修理好/把某事做完等:
We'll have to get this room painted. 我们得把这房间粉刷一下。
11 [T] to earn an amount of money, or receive an amount of money for something you sell 挣得; 卖得:
Tim gets about $50,000 a year. 蒂姆一年挣 50,000 美元左右。
They got £95,000 for their house. 他们的房子卖了 95,000 英镑。
12 get the bus/a flight etc to travel somewhere on a bus, plane etc 乘公共汽车/飞机等
13 [T] to understand something 懂得,理解,明白:
Tracey didn't get the joke. 翠茜没听懂这个笑话。
14 [T] to catch a disease 患上,得〔病〕:
People usually get measles when they're young. 人们一般是在小时候得麻疹的。
15 get going/moving spoken to make yourself do something more quickly 【口】 赶快,赶紧:
We have to get going, or we'll be late! 我们得赶快走,不然要迟到了!
16 get to know/like etc to gradually begin to know, like etc someone or something 逐渐了解/喜欢等:
As you get to know the city, I'm sure you'll like it better. 你进一步了解这个城市后,我相信你一定会更喜欢它的。
17 get the door/phone spoken to answer the door or the telephone 【口】 开门/接电话:
Val, can you get the phone, please — I'm making dinner. 瓦尔,你接一下电话好吗 — 我在做饭。
get about
1 to be able to move or travel to different places 四处走动[旅行]:
My Gran can't get about much anymore. 我奶奶不能再经常出门走动了。
2 if news or information gets about, a lot of people hear about it 〔消息或信息〕传开:
I'm pregnant but I don't want it getting about just yet. 我怀孕了,可是我现在还不想让大家都知道。
get sth ↔ across
to be able to make someone understand an idea or piece of information 将〔观点、信息等〕传达给某人:
It was difficult to get my ideas across in such a short interview. 在这么一个短短的面谈时间里,我很难把自己的观点讲清楚。
get along
1 to have a friendly relationship with someone or a group of people 合得来,和睦相处:
+ with We get on really well with each other. 我们之间相处得非常好。
2 to make progress with something you are doing 进展,进步:
How are you getting along at school? 你在学校里过得怎么样?
get around
1 [T get around sth] to find a way of dealing with a problem, usually by avoiding it 应付,回避〔某问题〕:
Businesses are looking for ways to get around the tax laws. 企业都在想办法避开税法。
2 [I] to be able to move or travel to different places 四处走动[旅行]
3 also 又作 get about BrE 【英】 [I] if news or information gets around, a lot of people hear about it 〔消息或信息〕传开:
If this news gets around, we'll have reporters calling us all day. 如果这个消息传开了,就会整天有记者来找我们了。
4 [T get around sb] to persuade someone to do what you want by being nice to them 〔用善待某人的方式〕说服,说动:
My Dad might drive us to the party. I'll see if I can get around him. 我爸爸也许会开车送我们去参加聚会,我来哄哄他,让他同意。
get around to sth
to do something you have been intending to do for a long time 终于能做〔一直打算做的事〕,抽时间做:
I need to go to the library but I haven't got around to it yet. 我需要去一下图书馆,但是到现在还抽不出时间去。
get at
1 what sb is getting at used when you are asking someone to explain what they mean 某人是什么意思:
Did you understand what he was getting at? 你明白他是什么意思吗?
2 [T get at sth] to be able to reach something easily 及得到,能够着:
I could see the ring stuck under there, but I couldn't get at it. 我看到戒指卡在那下面,但是够不着。
3 [T get at sb] informal to criticize someone continuously especially in a way that annoys and upsets them 【非正式】 责备,数落,一再批评
4 get at the meaning/truth etc to discover the meaning or truth etc of something 理解意思/发现真相等
get away
1 to leave a place, especially when this is difficult 〔尤指费力地〕逃脱,走开,脱身:
Barney had to work late, and couldn't get away. 班尼必须干到很晚才能离开。
2 to escape from someone who is chasing you 逃走,逃跑:
The two men got away in a red Volkswagen. 那两名男子开着一辆红色大众汽车逃掉了。
3 to go on holiday 外出度假,休假:
Will you get away this summer? 你今年夏天要外出度假吗?
get away with sth
to do something wrong and not be punished for it 〔做错事而〕不受惩罚:
The kid was kicking me, and his mother just let him get away with it! 那孩子踢我,而她母亲就随他去,一点都不管他!
get back
1 [I] to return, especially to the place where you live 回去; 回来〔尤指回家〕:
What time do you think you'll get back? 你想你会什么时候回来?
2 [T get sth back] to have something that you had lent or lost returned to you 拿回〔借出的东西〕; 找回〔遗失的东西〕:
Did you get your purse back? 你找回来了你的钱包吗?
3 [T get sb back also 又作 get back at sb] to do something to hurt or embarrass someone who has hurt or embarrassed you 报复:
Jerry's trying to think of ways to get back at her for leaving him. 杰利在想办法如何报复她离开自己。
get back to
1 [T get back to sth] to start doing something again after not doing it for a long time 重新开始做〔已很久没做的事〕; 回到:
She found it hard to get back to work after having the baby. 她发现生孩子之后回去工作很不容易。
2 [T get back to sb] to talk or write to someone at a later time 过一会儿再找…谈话; 回头再写信给…:
I'll try to get back to you later today. 今天晚些时候我再找你谈。
get by
to have enough money to buy the things you need, but not more 〔钱〕勉强够花,勉强过日子:
He only earns just enough to get by. 他挣的钱只能供他勉强过活。
get by on £10/$200 etc I don't know how she manages to get by on £50 a week. 我不知道她怎么靠每星期 50 英镑过日子。
get down
1 [T get sb down] informal to make someone feel unhappy 【非正式】 使不高兴,使沮丧:
The weather's really getting me down. 这种天气实在让我提不起精神。
2 [T get sth ↔ down] to write something down, especially quickly 〔尤指很快地〕记下,写下:
Let me get your address down before I forget it. 我把你的地址记下来吧,免得忘掉。
3 [T get sth down] to swallow food or drink, often with difficulty 〔常指艰难地〕吞下,咽下:
Get this medicine down and you'll soon feel better. 把这药吞下去,很快就会好的。
4 [I] to lower your body towards or onto the ground 俯身; 蹲下; 跪下
get down to sth
to finally start doing something that you have to do 终于开始做〔必须做的事情〕:
By the time we finally got down to work it was already 10:00. 等我们终于动手干起来的时候,已经是十点钟了。
get in
1 [I] to be allowed or able to enter a place 被允许进入,可以进入:
You can't get in to the club without an I.D. card. 没有身分证不能进入这个俱乐部。
2 [I] when a train, bus etc gets in, it arrives 〔火车、公共汽车等〕到达:
My train gets in at 20:00. 我乘坐的火车晚上八点钟到达。
3 [I] to arrive home 到家:
I didn't get in until 10 o'clock last night. 昨天晚上我十点钟才回到家。
4 [I] if a politician or political party gets in, they win an election 当选:
Do you think the Conservatives will get in again? 你认为保守党会再次当选吗?
get in on sth
informal to become involved in something that other people are doing 【非正式】 参与〔别人正在做的事〕:
get in on the act One supermarket started a banking service and now they're all trying to get in on the act. 有一家超级市场开始提供银行服务,现在大家都想跟风。
get into sth
1 to be accepted by a college or university 考上,被…录取:
You'll have to work harder if you want to get into college. 你如果想上大学的话就得多加努力。
2 informal to begin to be interested in an activity or subject 【非正式】 对…开始产生兴趣:
When I was in high school I got into rap music. 我上高中的时候开始对说唱乐感兴趣。
3 what's got into sb spoken used to say that someone is behaving very differently from normal 【口】 某人这是怎么了,某人中了什么邪〔用来表示某人行为异常〕:
I don't know what's got into William. He's not normally so rude. 我不知道威廉怎么回事,他一般不会这么无礼。
→see also 另见 get into the habit (HABIT)
get off
1 [I,T get off sth] to climb down from something you were on, such as a bus, train or horse 下车; 下马; 从…下来
2 [I,T get sb off] to receive little or no punishment for a crime, or to help someone escape punishment 〔罪犯〕逃脱(应得的)惩罚; 帮助〔某人〕逃脱惩罚:
I can't believe his lawyers managed to get him off. 我不能相信他的律师居然让他逃脱了惩罚。
3 [I,T] to finish working 下班,结束〔工作〕:
What time do you get off work? 你什么时候下班?
4 where does sb get off doing sth AmE spoken used to say that you are angry with someone because of something they have done, for example telling you to do something 【美口】 某人有什么权利做某事〔生气时说的话〕:
Where does he get off telling me how to live my life? 我的生活怎么过还要他来指指点点吗?
5 get off! spoken used to tell someone to stop touching you or to keep away from something 【口】 不要碰(我)! 走开!
get off on sth
spoken informal to be excited by something or feel physical pleasure from it, especially sexually 【口,非正式】 因…而兴奋〔尤指性兴奋〕
get off to sth
get off to a good/bad start (START²) 有一个好的/不好的开端
get off with sb
informal to start a sexual relationship with someone 【非正式】 和…发生性关系,勾搭上:
Chris got off with Sally at the Christmas party. 圣诞聚会上克里斯和莎莉搞上了。
get on
1 [I,T get on sth] also 又作 get onto to walk onto a vehicle such as a bus or climb onto an animal such as a horse 上车; 上马; 登上
2 get on with sth to continue doing something, especially after you have stopped for a short time〔尤指中断后〕继续做某事:
Stop talking and get on with your work. 别讲话了,继续做你的工作吧。
3 [I] especially BrE to have a friendly relationship with someone 【尤英】 合得来,友好相处:
+ with She doesn't get on with her mother at all. 她和她妈妈根本合不来。
4 [I] to succeed in your job or make progress with a job you are doing 〔工作〕成功; 取得进展
5 be getting on informal to be getting old 【非正式】 上年纪
get onto sb/sth
1 to start talking about a particular subject 谈起,开始谈到:
Then we got onto the subject of women, and Craig wouldn't shut up. 后来我们谈起了女人这个话题,克雷格的嘴巴就停不下来了。
2 to write or speak to someone who you want to help you〔因需要帮助而〕与…联系:
I'd better get onto the landlord about the leaking pipe. 水管漏了,我最好去找一下房东。
get out
1 to escape from a place 逃离,逃出来:
+ of How did the dog get out of the yard? 那条狗是怎样从院子里跑出去的?
2 if information gets out, a lot of people know about it even though it is supposed to be secret 〔保密的消息〕泄露,走漏:
The minister had to resign when news of his affair got out. 绯闻传出以后,部长被迫辞职。
get out of sth
1 [T get out of sth] to avoid doing something you ought to do 逃避,摆脱〔应该做的事情〕:
She couldn't get out of the meeting, so she cancelled our dinner. 她不能不去参加那个会议,所以她取消了我们的晚饭。
2 [T get sth out of sb] to persuade someone to tell you something or to give you something 让〔某人〕说出…; 从〔某人那里〕得到:
I'll see if I can get some money out of my Dad. 我来看看能不能从爸爸那里弄到点钱。
get over
1 [T get over sth] to become healthy again after being ill, or to feel better after a bad experience 从〔疾病、痛苦的经历〕中恢复过来:
The doctor said it will take a couple of weeks to get over the infection. 医生说这种感染要几个星期之后才能康复。
2 get sth over with to finish doing something as quickly as possible because you find it unpleasant 尽快完成某事〔尤指不愉快的事〕:
"It should only hurt a little." "OK. Just get it over with." “应该只有一点点痛。”“好的,快点吧。”
get round
BrE to get around 【英】 应付,回避〔问题〕; 四处走动; 〔消息〕传开; 说服〔某人〕
get round to sth
BrE to get around to doing something 【英】 终于能做〔一直打算做的事〕,抽时间做
get through
1 [T get through sth] to manage to deal with or live through an unpleasant experience 熬过,渡过〔艰难的时间〕:
I don't know how I got through the weeks after my husband died. 丈夫过世以后的几个星期,我都不知道是怎么熬过来的。
2 [I] to succeed in reaching someone on the telephone 〔电话〕与某人联系上,打通电话:
It took her 20 minutes to get through to the ticket office. 她打了 20 分钟才打通售票处的电话。
get through to sb
to be able to make someone understand something difficult 使…理解:
Ben tried to apologize a few times, but he couldn't get through to her. 本几番道歉,但就是无法使她明白。
get to sb
informal to upset or annoy someone 【非正式】 使难过; 使生气:
Don't let him get to you. He's just teasing you. 不要为他生气,他只是在逗你玩。
get together
1 [I] to meet with other people 碰头,相聚:
We must get together for a drink sometime. 我们得找个时间聚聚喝一杯。
2 get yourself together/get it together to begin to be in control of your life and your emotions 振作起来:
It took a year for me to get myself together after she left. 她走了一年之后我才振作起来。
get up
1 [I,T get sb up] to wake up and get out of bed, or make someone do this (使)起床:
I have to get up at 6:00 tomorrow. 明天我六点钟就得起床。
2 [I] to stand up 站起来:
Corrinne got up slowly and went to the window. 科林慢慢地站起身来走到窗前。
get up to sth
to do something bad 干〔坏事〕:
Go and see what the kids are getting up to. 去看看孩子们在搞什么鬼。




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