

词汇 *value¹
释义 *val·ue¹ /`vælju; ˈvæljuː/
1 [C,U] the amount of money that something is worth 价值:
The value of the house has gone up. 那幢房子升值了。
Did the thieves take anything of value? (=anything that was worth much money) 小偷拿走了值钱的东西没有?
2 [U] the importance or usefulness of something 重要性; 实用性,用处:
the value of direct personal experience 个人亲身经历的重要性
be of great/little value His research was of great value to doctors working with the disease. 他的研究对于医治那种疾病的医生来说极具价值。
3 be good/excellent value (for money) BrE used to say that you get a lot of something or that its quality is good, considering the amount you pay for it 【英】 物有所值/物超所值




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