

词汇 *cry²
释义 *cry²
1 [C] a loud sound or shout showing fear, pain, shock etc 〔因害怕、痛苦、震惊等而发出的〕叫喊声:
We heard a terrible cry in the next room. 我们听到隔壁房间传来一声可怕的叫喊声。
+ of We woke to cries of "Fire!". 我们被“着火了!”的叫喊声唤醒。
2 [C] a sound made by a particular animal or bird 〔动物或鸟的〕叫声:
the cry of the eagle 鹰的鸣叫声
3 a cry when someone cries 〔人的〕哭泣; 叫喊:
You'll feel better after you've had a good cry. 好好哭一场你会感觉好些。
4 be a far cry from to be very different from something else 与…大不相同:
It was a far cry from the tiny office she was used to. 这与她所习惯的小办公室截然不同。




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