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emigration /ˏɛmə`greʃən; ˌemɪˈɡreɪʃən/ n [U]
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: emigrate, immigrate and 和 migrate Use emigrate to talk about people who leave their country to live in another one. 说到某人离开祖国到另一国家去生活,用 emigrate: My grandparents emigrated from Italy. 我的祖父母是从意大利移居过来的。 Use immigrate to talk about people who enter a country in order to live there. 说到某人进入某国并在那里生活,用 immigrate: Yuko immigrated to the US last year. 裕子是在去年移居美国的。 Use migrate to talk about birds that go to another part of the world in the autumn and the spring. 说到鸟类在秋、春两季迁移到别处栖息,则用 migrate。 |