

词汇 *most²
释义 *most²
1 almost all of a particular group of people or things 大多数,大部分,几乎全部:
Most computers have a disk drive. 大多数电脑都有磁盘驱动器。
most of Most of the kids I know have parents who are divorced. 在我认识的孩子中,大部分的父母都离异了。
2 more than anyone or anything else 最多:
the most Ricardo's restaurant gives you the most food for your money. 里卡多餐馆的饭菜最物有所值。
Whoever scores most will win. 得分最多的人就获胜。
3 the largest number or amount that is possible 最大数量; 最大量:
the most How can we get the most power from the engine? 我们怎样才能从引擎获得最大动力?
I'm afraid the most I can give you is $100. 恐怕我最多只能给你 100 美元。
4 at (the) most used to say that a number or amount will not be larger than you say, and will probably be smaller 至多,不超过:
The book should cost $10 at the most. 这本书的价格应该不超过 10 美元。
5 make the most of sth to take all the advantage you possibly can from a situation, especially because it will not last 〔尤指及时〕充分利用,尽量利用:
Go out and make the most of the sunshine. 出去尽情享受阳光吧。




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