

词汇 *trick¹
释义 *trick¹ /trɪk; trɪk/
n [C]
1 something you do in order to deceive someone 骗局,诡计,花招:
The phone call was just a trick to get him out of the office. 这个电话只是骗他走出办公室的诡计。
play a trick on sb (=do something to deceive or surprise someone, especially as a joke) 捉弄某人〔尤指开玩笑〕: a naughty boy who was always playing tricks on his parents 老是捉弄父母的顽皮男孩
2 do the trick spoken if something does the trick, it helps you to succeed in doing what you want 【口】 奏效,达到预期效果:
A little salt should do the trick. 加一点盐应该就可以了。
3 a clever and effective way of doing something 诀窍; 技巧:
There's a trick to getting the audience's attention. 吸引观众的注意力有一个窍门。
4 when someone does something that seems like magic in order to entertain people 戏法,把戏:
Do you know any good card tricks? 你会变什么巧妙的纸牌戏法吗?




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