

词汇 portray
释义 por·tray /pɔr`tre; pɔːˈtreɪ/
v [T]
1 to describe or show something or someone in a story, film etc 描写,描绘:
a film that portrays the life of Charlie Chaplin 描绘了差利·卓别灵生平的影片
portray sb/sth as sth (=show someone or something in a particular way) 把某人/某事描绘成: Diana is portrayed as the victim of a loveless marriage. 戴安娜被描写成一场没有爱的婚姻的牺牲品。
2 to act the part of a character in a play 扮演〔角色〕:
Robin Williams portrayed Peter Pan in the movie. 在这部影片中罗宾·威廉斯扮演了小飞侠。




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