

词汇 *turn²
释义 *turn²
1 [C usually singular 一般用单数] if it is your turn to do something, it is the time when you can or should do it, after or before the other people who are also doing it 轮到〔某人做某事〕:
You'll just have to wait your turn. 你只好等待轮到你。
2 take turns also 又作 take it in turns BrE if a group of people take turns doing something, first one person does it, then another 【英】 轮流〔做某事〕:
We took it in turns to do the driving. 我们轮流开车。
3 in turn one after another 依次,逐一:
He spoke to each of the students in turn. 他依次和每个学生讲话。
4 [C] a change in the direction you are moving in 转向,转弯:
left/right turn The car made a left turn at the lights. 汽车在交通信号灯处左转。
5 a bend or corner in a road, river etc 〔路、河等的〕转弯,转角:
Take the next turn. 在下一个路口转弯。
6 [C] if you give something a turn, you move it round 转动,旋转:
Give the wheel another turn. 再转动一下轮子。
7 the turn of the century the beginning of a century 世纪之交; 新世纪的开始
8 take a turn for the better/worse to suddenly become better or worse 突然好转/恶化:
Her health took a turn for the worse. 她的健康状况突然恶化。
9 turn of events an unexpected change in a situation 〔情况〕出乎意料的变化:
By some unfortunate turn of events, the documents were lost. 由于发生了不幸的意外,那些文件遗失了。
10 do sb a good turn to help someone 帮助某人




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