

词汇 lastly
释义 last·ly /`læstlɪ; ˈlɑːstli/
used to say that the next thing you mention will be the last thing 最后(一点):
And lastly, I'd like to thank my producer. 最后,我要感谢我的制作人。
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: lastly
Don't confuse lastly and at last. 不要混淆 lastly 和 at last。
1 Use lastly when you are talking about several things in order and you want to show that you have reached the final thing on the list. 依次说出几件事情并说到最后一件时,用 lastly:
I'll start by asking you about your previous experience, then we can talk about your present employment, and lastly I'll tell you about the job here. 首先我会问一下你以前的工作经历,然后我们可以谈谈你现在的工作情况,最后我会告诉你一些这里的工作。
(Note that you can also use finally in the same way. 注意,在这种情况下,也能使用 finally 一词。)
2 Use at last when you want to show that something has happened after a long time or after a lot of waiting. 想要表示很久以后或等了很长时间后终于发生某事,用 at last:
She tried again and again until at last she succeeded. 她尝试了一遍又一遍,直到最后取得成功。
When at last the rescuers found them, two people had already died. 营救人员最终找到他们的时候,已经有两人死亡。
"At last!" she exclaimed as she managed to catch the waiter's eye. “终于等到了!” 当她让服务员注意到她的时候,她叫了出来。
(Note that you can also use finally in the same way. 注意,在这种情况下,也能使用 finally 一词。)




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