

词汇 *knock¹
释义 *knock¹ /nɑk; nɒk/
1 [I] to hit a door or window with your hand in order to attract someone's attention 敲门[窗]:
+ at/on There's someone knocking at the front door. 有人在敲前门。
2 [I,T] to hit someone or something so that they move or fall down 碰撞; 碰倒; 撞倒:
Careful you don't knock the camera. 你要当心别碰倒照相机。
They knocked him to the ground. 他们把他撞倒在地。
3 [T] informal to criticize someone or something, especially unfairly 【非正式】 批评,挑剔:
"I hate this job." "Don't knock it — it could be worse!" “我恨透了这份工作。”“别挑剔了,还有更糟的!”
4 knock some sense into sb to make someone learn to behave in a more sensible way 让某人学会理智点:
Maybe she can knock some sense into him. 也许她能够让他懂事一些。
5 knock on wood AmE something you say when you do not want your good luck to end 【美】 愿好运常在; TOUCH WOOD BrE 【英】:
I haven't had a cold all winter, knock on wood. 我整个冬天都没着凉,愿好运常在。
knock sth ↔ back
to drink a large amount of alcohol very quickly 一下子喝下〔大量的酒〕:
We knocked back another bottle. 我们很快又喝掉一瓶酒。
knock down
1 [T knock sth ↔ down] to destroy a building, wall etc 拆除,拆毁〔建筑物等〕:
Workers began knocking down sections of the wall. 工人开始拆除部分墙壁。
2 be/get knocked down to be hit and injured by a car 被〔汽车〕撞伤:
Tracy was knocked down by a car on her way home from school. 特蕾茜在放学回家的路上被汽车撞倒了。
3 [T knock sth ↔ down] informal to reduce the price of something 【非正式】 降价,压价:
The stove was knocked down from $800 to $550. 炉子的价钱从 800 美元被压到 550 美元。
knock off
informal 【非正式】
1 [I] to stop working 停止工作; 下班:
We knocked off at about 5 o'clock. 我们五点钟左右下班。
2 [T knock sth ↔ off] to reduce the price of something by a particular amount 从价钱中减去,削价:
I got him to knock $10 off the regular price. 我使他按正价减价十美元。
3 knock it off! spoken used to tell someone to stop doing something annoying 【口】 够了! 别再烦了!
knock out
1 [knock sb ↔ out] to make someone become unconscious, especially by hitting them 击昏:
Ali knocked out his opponent in the fifth round. 阿里在第五回合中将对手击昏。
2 [knock sb/sth ↔ out] to defeat a person or team so that they cannot continue in a competition 淘汰:
Indiana got knocked out in the first round. 印第安纳队在首轮比赛中被淘汰了。
knock sb/sth ↔ over
to hit someone or something so hard that they fall down 打倒; 撞倒; 弄翻:
She nearly knocked over my drink. 她差点打翻了我的饮料。
knock sth ↔ up
spoken informal to quickly make something using the materials that you have available 【口,非正式】 匆匆拼凑成,草草做成:
I'm sure I can knock up some pasta. 我肯定能够凑合着做点面食出来。




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