

词汇 freely
释义 free·ly /`frilɪ; ˈfriːli/
1 without anyone trying to control you or prevent you doing something 自由地:
We encourage our students to speak freely. 我们鼓励学生自由表达意见。
People can now travel freely across the border. 人们现在能自由出入边境。
countries where abortion is freely available 可以自由堕胎的国家
2 freely admit/acknowledge to agree that something is true 坦率地承认:
I freely admit I made a bad choice. 我坦率地承认作出了错误的选择。
3 in large amounts 大量地:
He gives freely to local charities. 他为地方慈善机构慷慨解囊。




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