

词汇 *busy¹
释义 *bus·y¹ /`bɪzɪ; ˈbɪzi/
1 working or spending a lot of time doing something 正在工作的; 忙碌的:
Alex is busy studying for his exams. 亚历克斯正忙于温习准备考试。
+ with I'm busy with a customer at the moment. Can I call you back? 我现在正忙着接待一位顾客。我能给你回电吗?
2 full of people, vehicles etc 人山人海的; 车水马龙的; 热闹的:
a busy airport 繁忙的机场
The roads were very busy this morning. 今天早上,马路上车水马龙。
3 especially AmE a telephone line that is busy is being used 【尤美】 〔电话〕占线的; ENGAGED BrE 【英】:
I got a busy signal. 我听到电话忙音。




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