

词汇 *mix¹
释义 *mix¹ /mɪks; mɪks/
1 [I,T] if you mix two or more substances or if they mix, they combine to become a single substance (使)混合; 拌和:
mix sth and sth You can make green by mixing blue and yellow paint. 你可以把蓝色和黄色油漆混合成绿色。
mix sth with sth Shake the bottle well to mix the oil with the vinegar. 使劲儿摇晃瓶子,使油和醋相混合。
2 [I,T] to combine two or more different activities, ideas, styles etc (使)融合,(使)结合:
Glennie's latest CD mixes classical music and rock 'n' roll. 格伦尼最新的激光唱片将古典音乐和摇滚乐融合在一起。
3 [I] to enjoy meeting and talking to other people, especially people you do not know very well 〔尤指与不相熟的人〕相处(融洽),交往,交际:
+ with Charlie doesn't mix well with the other children. 查理与其他孩子合不来。
mix sb/sth up
1 to think that one person or thing is someone or something else 混淆〔人或物〕:
I'm always mixing up the kids' names. 我老是把孩子们的名字弄混。
2 to change the order in which things have been arranged 弄乱〔某物〕:
Whatever you do, try not to mix those papers up. 无论你做什么,尽量别把那些文件搞乱了。




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