

词汇 drum²
释义 drum²
v [I,T] -mmed, -mming
to hit the surface of something many times in a way that sounds like drums 连续有节奏地击打〔某物表面使发出打鼓似的声音〕:
The rain was drumming on the roof. 雨滴滴嗒嗒地打在屋顶上。
drum sth into sb
to say something to someone so often that they cannot forget it 向〔某人〕灌输,将…硬塞进某人的记忆:
The dangers of tobacco were drummed into us at school. 我们在学校里被灌输了吸烟的危害。
drum sth ↔ up
to try to get help, money etc by asking a lot of people 竭力争取,兜揽:
Mike's out trying to drum up some more business. 麦克出去想多兜揽些生意。




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